Personal Home Page of

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Jay North

Coldwater, Michigan

Kevin is an expert computer programmer consultant for a small company serving the HVAC industry. He was previously employed for many years at SHAFI, Inc., where he did computer programming for robots and machine vision. In addition to his full time job, Kevin also runs two major web sites,, which is a unique business directory with maps and photographs for his local hometown, and, a very popular site on memory improvement.

He graduated from Michigan Technological University in February 1997 with a Master of Science degree in Computer Science. His master's project was titled, "Improving Three-Camera Three-Dimensional Vision as a Solution for Industrial Automation."

Though born in central Wisconsin, he grew up in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Kevin's interests include computers (naturally), music, Doctor Who, the classic arcade game Pac-Man, webcams, The Chronicles of Narnia, travel, running, biking, building things from cardboard, and lots of other things.

Cathy Jo was born and raised in Coldwater, Michigan. Her wide range of experience includes graphic arts, data entry, order fulfillment, billing & deposits, baking, and industrial equipment operation & problem solving. She loves children, and has taught Sunday School for 2- & 3-year-olds and First & Second grades. Cathy also enjoys reading, cooking, sewing, listening to Christian music, and singing.

We were married on May 26, 2001. We are both Christians, and we love to read the Bible and to serve the Lord. Click here to find out how God can make a difference in your life.

In 2005 we adopted our first son Samuel. He loves legos and guitars. He has a private web site which friends and family are welcome to visit (Email us for info using the button below). In 2008 we adopted M atthew
; he is currently into Pac-Man, tornadoes, mummies, and super heroes. He also has his own website.

Click on the button to contact us and/or to get our current address and telephone number via Email.

Document last modified 10 Sep 11. (C) 1997-2011 by Kevin Jay North; see also full copyright notice & disclaimers..

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