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Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jay North's Web Sites Menu

Local resource for Coldwater, MI - full business directory and virtual tour with photos.

Dr. Rudy Home Page

The latest version and news of the classic DOS computer games "Dr. Rudy" and "Dr. Rudy 2".


A collection of ASCII art to put in Email messages, etc.

The Pac-Star

Pac-Man Stickers and Ruboffs Web Site. Enjoy and learn more about these 1982 collectible Pac-Man bubble gum cards.

Kevin's Potpourri

Assorted collection of documents including "So You Want a New Computer", science fiction stories, etc.

The Memory Page Study Bible

New online KJV Bible optimized for Bible Study & Memory.

Geek Pocket Minecraft

Weird technical info on Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE) that you won't find on other websites

Other pages of interest:

* Personal Home Page of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jay North
* Lockwood Community Church (Coldwater, MI) Sermon Notes
* The Republic of Saint James (currently in hiatus)
* Linear index of documents and downloadable files

Document last modified 13 Dec 14. (C) 1999-2014 by Kevin Jay North; see also full copyright notice & disclaimers..

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